University/Schools Alliance Executive Board Meeting
May 11, 2011 @ 3:30 PM in the CDAS Office


Kristen Blanchard, SODAT Delaware
Karen Busby, Smart Drive Delaware
Howard Isenberg, Open Door, Inc.
Lorie Tudor, DPNA

Staff Attending:

Roberta Gealt, Project Director
Mary Perno, Project Coordinator


The April minutes were reviewed and approved, first by Lorie Tudor and then by Kristen Blanchard.

Grant Updates:

The Drug Free Communities grant for USA will be ending soon (September 30, 2011) and, having had 10 years of funding, USA cannot re-apply.

Other local coalitions who may have applied are groups working with Penny Dryden, Holcomb Behavioral Health Services, and the Kent County Prevention Coalition.

SPF-SIG Grant-The first round of grants will not be officiallyannounced until the contracts are signed.  Rejection lettersindicated there would be another round of grants.

DEA-Last month USA was contacted by the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) to attend a meeting in Philadelphia to initiate information sharing about emerging drug trends.  For purposes of the DEA and the Poison Control Centers, Delaware is assigned to the Philadelphia region.

Howard Isenberg suggested that one topic of information to be shared should be the selling of Bath Salts to be used as a drug.  When purchased, bath salts can be smoked or inhaled, and in some cases have resulted in death.  The directions state "wet and then light".  A 1-gram package may be purchased at a local smoke shop or even in the 7-11 stores.

Underage Drinking Bill (HB70)-This bill will be introduced in the DE legislature with the fine being increased and the liability dropped.  Melanie George spoke to Kristen Blanchard and expressed concern about parents being held responsible such as at a block party where alcohol is present but not always watched.  She is, however, supportive of a bill which would target adults purchasing alcohol for kids. 

Town Hall Meetings-Roberta had a long list of interested parties to hold Town Hall Meetings, but most of them are currently working with Delaware Prevention Coalition. 

DSAMH Summer Institute-Will have a Prevention Track this year.    It will be held from July 25-29th at the Embassy Suites in Newark, DE.


The next USA meeting will be on June 8th at 1:00 PM at CDAS (note TIME change!)